New Year's, 1999/2000 Although it was the turn of the century, we planned a quite New Year's Eve night which involved having a few drinks at our friends' house. Early in the evening, we set out to our friends' house, wearing nothing special as it was a warm night and we wanted to be comfortable. Nine o'clock came around and the four of us sat on the house's front verandah watching the fire works from a nearby, local park explode brilliantly into the night sky. We discussed how it seemed very early for the fireworks to be set off on such an occasion as this, but we came to the mutual conclusion that it was a 'firework pre-show' put on early in the night for our town's smaller children to enjoy. As the time came closer to midnight, we decided to take a walk to the local park to view the second fireworks show, which we assumed would take place at the stroke of midnight. As we approached the park, however, we realised that it was deserted. We then set off to another part of town where we thought the fireworks might have taken place. At a couple minutes to midnight, with our hopes of seeing any midnight fireworks dashed, we decided to take a seat outside the town's Workers' Club. We were unable to go in because of our casual attire. We chatted for a little while, waiting for the countdown that would herald in the new year. As the people inside the Workers' Club began the countdown to midnight, Shane started to say something. I sushed him, not wanting to miss the countdown. He was insistent however, and as I turned to face him, I saw that he was down on bended knee. And with my attention focussed upon him, he proposed. We may have missed the fireworks we had hoped for that night, but Shane gave me a gift that was far more special. |